Tottenham Historical Society Dinner Saturday, 26th June, 2004 Keep Saturday night, 26 June, free. We are holding a dinner at the Golf Club and will have peter and Pat Dargin to entertain us with some story telling with an historical focus. Click here for details ******************************* Workshop by Peter & Pat Dargin Everyone interested in Research to Publication are welcome to attend a workshop which will be conducted by Peter & Pat Dargin on Saturday 26 June 2004, from 2pm – 4pm in the Committee Room Tottenham Memorial Hall. For more details contact L Fishpool (ph 6892 4029) ******************************* Tottenham Historical Society Monthly Meeting 6th July 2004 The next monthly meeting of the Tottenham Historical Society will be held on Tuesday, 6th July at 7.30 pm in the Committee Room at the hall. ******************************* Dandaloo Group Meeting 24th July 2004 The next Dandaloo Group meeting will be held on Saturday 24th July at 10.00 am at the Committee Room at the hall. Everyone interested in seeing the Dandaloo history recorded is welcome to attend. ******************************* Tottenham Historical Society Tour to Gilgandra Saturday, 31st July, 2004 Join a tour to the Gilgandra Museum on Saturday 31st July, 2004. More details later. ******************************* Historical Society Slide Evening 3rd August, 2004 The meeting for August will be a slide evening. You are invited to bring any slides of an historical interest. This meeting will be held at the Tottenham Central School Library at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 3rd August. ******************************* Yellow Mountain Cross Country 7th and 8th August 2004 Tottenham Motorcycle Club will be hosting the Yellow Mountain Cross Country in August, 2004. For more information click here. ******************************* Tottenham Health Service/Preschool Ball 21st August 2004 The Tottenham Health Service/Preschool will be holding a ball on the 21st August, 2004, at the Tottenham Memorial Hall. Music will be provided again by "NUTHIN 2 SERIOUS". Keep watching for further information as the date draws closer. ******************************* Heartland Festival 1st October 2004 - 4th October 2004 Tottenham Tourism Inc. will be holding the "Heartland Festival" starting on Friday night, 1st October. Look out for more details as they become available. On Saturday night, 2nd October, Tottenham Motorcyle Club will be holding "Motocross Under Lights" as part of the "Heartland Festival". Click here to see more information about the Tottenham Motorcyle Club and their "Motor Cross Under Lights" event.