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CWA of NSW - Tottenham Branch

The Country Women's Association of New South Wales, formed in 1922, was born out of the needs of isolated Country Women. Our unique Association has continually provided friendship and support whilst meeting the needs of the community. This network of volunteers numbers 11, 196 members, comprising 465 branches, and is part of the largest women's organization in Australia.

We continue to support and serve the country and our communities, by promoting, participating in and providing support to charities, medical research and health services, disaster relief and education through scholarships and bursaries.

We provide a voice to Government at all levels by encouraging and supporting communities to maintain their economic and social viability. Lobby for infrastructure - telecommunications - roads and transport - utilities and services, agricultural and environmental, health and education improvements.

We welcome new members, value all members and provide services for their benefit. A Residential Club in Sydney, The Country Woman Journal, update of the Web Site regularly, us of media to advertise and promote our Association, continue international work, especially in the South Pacific Area through Associate Country Women of the World, study a different country each year; support a student from Papua New Guinea and many other activities.

In the 12 months up to September 30th, 2003, members raised and donated $585436, including more than $151,000 was given t local communities throughout the State. An amount of over $100,000 has been raised and presented to the Retina Society over three years (for research into Retinitis Pigmentosa) as the Health Research Project.

Our members support the hospital visiting committee by crocheting many washers, make 100 calico dolls each year for children in hospitals; have knitted hundreds of trauma teddies, knit premmie baby bonnets, bootees and jackets, save stamps, knitted scarves and beanies and rugs for the homeless, and sent many articles for the material aid parcels, so we are kept busy with these activities.

Our Branch in Tottenham commenced in 1925 and although membership has fluctuated over the years we still meet at 2.00 pm on the second Friday of each month in our rooms in Umang Street. If you are interest in more details of our Association, or wish to become a member please contact our President Mrs. B. Kearney.